Laszlo Gyorgy, university lecturer


Dear Visitor,

Thank you for reading!

I really hesitated before making this website.  Is it not too much from a University Lecturer? Maybe, but it is not my business to answer this question. All I know is what I want to do and that my intentions are clear.

My aim is to bring you closer to the world as I see it. To help you understand the nature of politics and economics, I want you to lose your illusions, but at the same time give you hope.

I was the kind of student who was always looking for the answer to "whys", but too timid to ask them. Professors would have gone crazy if I had been braver in raising my questions. I thought I was the only one who didn't understand what was going on, and frankly, I was a bit shy. Now I know that most people don't want to understand what is going on, that they are not shy like me in raising questions, they are just simply indifferent or confused. Is it possible that some people out there are hired to make you confused? Well, I don’t know. You have to make your own opinion. I will do my best to present you the alternatives.

Okay, here are some questions we are going to answer through the Economic Policy course: Why are there so many poor people around the world if we have all means to reduce poverty? How is it that you, hopefully with a Master Degree, can earn $1,000-2,000 per month in Hungary, while someone else is earning $5,000 per month in New York to walk dogs? Why is there $1,500 billion being spent on the 2008 financial crisis bailout within 2 months and not only $200 billion annually on Green Energy resources? America could generate 88% of its electrical energy consumption from renewable resources by 2030.  Why do most people not care about what politicians are doing with their money while they are paying heavy taxes?

Can you think of other questions?  Don't be shy, like I used to be, to raise them.




welcome to the world - as seen through my eyes

“I always feel good thinking of the Good inside you. But still you can feel bad thinking of the Bad inside me.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)