Hungarian home page


Country coordinator (information about EOES in Hungary): Péter Vankó
Mentors and observers:
   Sándor Bán (biology)
   János Daru (chemistry)
   Viktória Gál (biology, chemistry)
   Attila Jancsó (chemistry)
   István Pálinkó (chemistry)
   Tamás Sarkadi (physics)
   Ádám Seres (biology)
   Tamás Szabó (chemistry)
   Krisztián Szász (physics)
   Zsófia Tóth (biology)
   Péter Vankó (physics)

Results of Hungarian teams

Selection and training of students in Hungary
(published in "Challenging Interdisciplinary Science Experiments, Volume 2, Task of the European Union Science Olympiads 2008-2012, edited by M. Cotter and S. Petersen, Waxmann, 2015")

from 2021: EOES
2003-2020: EUSO


         EOES 2025   Zagreb, Croatia

         EOES 2024   Luxembourg, Luxembourg

         EOES 2023   Riga, Latvia

         EOES 2022   Hradec KLrálové, Czech Republic

         EOES 2021   Szeged, Hungary

         EUSO 2020   Hradec KLrálové, Czech Republic (cancelled)

17th EUSO 2019   Almada, Portugal

16th EUSO 2018   Ljubljana, Slovenia

15th EUSO 2017   Copenhagen, Denmark

14th EUSO 2016   Tartu & Tallinn, Estonia

13th EUSO 2015   Klagenfurt, Austria

12th EUSO 2014   Athens, Greece

11th EUSO 2013   Luxembourg, Luxembourg

10th EUSO 2012   Vilnius, Lithuania

  9th EUSO 2011   Pardubice & Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

  8th EUSO 2010   Gothenburg, Sweden

  7th EUSO 2009   Murcia, Spain

  6th EUSO 2008   Nicosia, Cyprus

  5th EUSO 2007   Potsdam, Germany

  4th EUSO 2006   Brussels, Belgium

  3rd EUSO 2005   Galway, Ireland

  2nd EUSO 2004   Groningen, Netherlands

  1st EUSO 2003   Dublin, Ireland


IBO (International Biology Olympiad)     IChO (International Chemistry Olympiad)     IPhO (International Physics Olympiad)

In Hungarian