every intelligent being has rights to:

make decisions on their all-time mind including the right to refuse any governmental or other interference

modify their bodies without an external influence (including the use of  enhancement technologies and either active or passive euthanasia)

choose reproductive technologies to give life to their children or to reproduce themselves (including cloning)

about us
quotations hungarian

about us

Our bioliberty project was started on 25 January, 2005 as a research programme of the Long Future Research Group (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary), but it doesn't mean that every member of the Long Future Research Group either entirely or partially agrees with it.

head of the project:
Zoltan Galantai PhD

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Finance
H-1111 Hungary, Budapest, Mûegyetem rkp.9., 3rd floor, Room No 203/c
tel: (+36) 1 463-3891

Special thanks to Eva Toth PhD for her proposals.

long future research group

about us
quotations hungarian

(c) bioliberty project 2005